About the Journal


FITISPOS International Journal (FITISPOS-IJ) is a multilingual and free access online journal funded in 2014 by FITISPos-UAH Research Group (Training and Research in Public Service interpreting and Translation) (Grupo de investigación FITISPos-UAH: Formación e Investigación en Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos in Spanish) at the University of Alcalá (Spain).

Aims and target readers

The purpose of this journal is to publish and internationally disseminate high quality and original scientific papers on related research and teaching especially, though not exclusively, to Translation and Interpreting (T&I), Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) and Intercultural Communication. It is aimed at all those researchers and professionals interested in contributing to these fields by sending original and unpublished research studies.

The journal includes six main sections:

  • From the editor
  • Featured articles
  • Interviews
  • Book reviews
  • Research corner: PSIT events, useful tools, projects
  • Working papers

Languages of publication

Interested authors may submit their work in Spanish, English, French, Chinese, Russian, German and Arabic. Contributions that are not in English must also provide the title, abstract and keywords in this language.

Frequency of publication

The journal is published once a year, usually in spring.

Publication fees

It is an open access, non-commercial journal, so publication does not entail any cost for the authors, and it is free of charge for readers.


The journal and all the articles published in it are under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial license.

Creative Commons License

Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Special issue: PSIT and 21st century challenges: communication, collaboration, and inclusion
					View Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Special issue: PSIT and 21st century challenges: communication, collaboration, and inclusion

Editor: Bianca Vitalaru (University of Alcalá)

Published: 2025-02-25
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