Guaranteeing a fair trial in court interpreting: A proposal of recommendations for judicial officers


  • Gerard Andreu Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Alba Grau Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Cristina Pérez Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Gabriela Speller UAB



court interpreting, Working with interpreters, perception of the role of the interpreter, judicial officers, training, recommendations, guarantee of rights


Court interpreting is a complex task that requires a high level of training on the part of the interpreter. The question we raise is how the role of the interpreter is perceived and how judicial operators should act in a trial with interpreters. This may be problematic in terms of ensuring a fair trial. However, this issue has not been sufficiently addressed. Therefore, the aim of this article, after having reviewed the existing literature and legislation, is to present a series of findings and observations from surveys of court interpreters, judicial operators and lawyers. 


Key words: Court Interpreting; Working with Interpreters; Perception of the Role of the Interpreter; Judicial Officers; Training; Recommendations; Guarantee of Rights. 


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