Anxiety and Spanish sign language interpreting: an approximative study with professionals and students




anxiety, interpreters, sign languages


Anxiety is one of the most (inter)nationally prevalent mental health problems, with women and young people being the most vulnerable groups. Health and social care professionals are also highly likely to suffer from anxiety. Inasmuch as there is overlap between these groups and sign language interpreters, the latter may be expected to experience high levels of anxiety. However, there are few experimental studies that address psychological and emotional issues in these professional sign language interpreters, and such studies are almost non-existent in Spain. Therefore, we wondered whether it was possible for students and professionals of Spanish sign language interpreting to experience episodes of anxiety during interpreting situations without it being a personality trait. Using a questionnaire, we obtained data from 85 participants which revealed a strong correlation between the state and trait anxiety, as well as the influence of age and professional experience.


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