Analysis of the writing of informed consents in English and in Spanish


  • María Ruiz Escrivá UAH



Communication, Terminology, Health systems, Health translation and interpreting, Comunicación, Terminología, Sistemas sanitarios, T&I en ámbito sanitario


Nowadays, in the Spanish health system and in the British health system, if a patient has to undergo a medical procedure, they have the right to be informed by a health professional about that procedure. After the patient has been informed, they have the right to decide if the procedure is going to be carried out or not. One of the main objectives of this research is to analyse the writing of informed consents written in English and informed consents written in Spanish. With this, it can be confirmed if one of the principal characteristics of the informed consents is fulfilled or not. This characteristic is the fact of being understandable for the patients who, without extensive knowledge about the medical field, can be able to understand the procedure they are going to undergo and decide whether they want it to be carried out or not. The other main objective is to analyse the informed consent focusing on the fact of being a hybrid text by comparing the quantity of terminology and information related to the medical field with the terminology an information related to the legal field. This research is a comparative study in which, after the analysis of the English informed consents and the Spanish informed consents, the writing of both languages is compared. In order to do that, a corpus of 50 English informed consents and 50 Spanish informed consents has been compiled. The informed consents are about 50 different topics and they are from different healthcare institutions of Spain and the United Kingdom. The analysis has focused on aspects related to macrostructure and microstructure of each text such as general organization of the information, register and terminology. The results support the characteristic of the informed consent of being a hybrid text since, for example, in terms of specialized terminology, the quantity between medical terminology and legal terminology is very similar. Moreover, it has been confirmed that the writing in English is much closer to the reader than the writing in Spanish.


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