Bridges and Barriers in Public Service Interpreting Training: Instructing Non-Professional Longserving Interpreters


  • Noelia Burdeus-Domingo Université Laval (Canada) Universidad Internacional de Valencia (Spain)
  • Suzanne Gagnon Université Laval
  • Sophie Pointurier École Normale Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs — Université Sorbonne Nouvelle — Paris 3
  • Yvan Leanza Université Laval



Public Service Interpreting, training, non-professional interpreters, special regime, formación, intérpretes no profesionales, régimen especial


This paper reports on an action-research study with a dual purpose: (1) to design a PSI training programme adapted to the needs of the City of Québec’s public healthcare institutions, and (2) to assess its contribution to the development of trainees’ PSI competences. The course was designed adapting ÉSIT’s special regime methodology to PSI training, and delivered to a group of non-professional interpreters (N=23). The evaluation was undertaken qualitatively, through two focus groups (n=11). The data collected was submitted to content analysis and contrasted with the trainer’s action-research report. Findings reveal (1) that the special regime methodology can be applied to PSI training programmes, if combined with pedagogical approaches adjusting it to the group’s needs, and (2) that trainees’ preconceptions about PSI add up to the list of challenges of training non-professional longserving interpreters. Our concluding remarks present several recommendations on how to overcome the detected difficulties.


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