Public Service Interpreting in Undergraduate Courses in Argentina




Interpretación en los servicios públicos, Argentina, carreras de grado, Interpretación


Among UN 2030 Agenda Goals, there are reducing inequalities, building sustainable cities and communities, and ensuring peace, justice, strong institutions, and good health and well-being. In order to ensure their fulfillment, each member State faces specific challenges due to their economic, politic, and educative situation.

This exploratory paper focuses on how professional interpreter training may contribute to improve each State positioning regarding those goals. A specialized public service interpreter is the best asset to ensure equal access to different public services offered by modern cities.

Specially, this paper focuses on undergraduate courses in Argentina –how many programs provide students with training in Public Service Interpreting. Specific curricula characteristics will be analyzed to firstly conclude that, even though Public Service Interpreting is not fully taught, undergraduate students receive training in key skills to professionally develop later. Nevertheless, to be prepared to face today’s world, it is essential to deepen the students training in Public Service Interpreting.


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