Specialized terminology, instrumental competence, and corpus management tools / Terminología especializada, competencia instrumental y herramientas de gestión de corpus





corpus management tools, specialized translation, research materials, Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT)


Since its start in the 40s and 50s and its re-emergence in the 80s, corpus linguistics has established itself as an interesting research field for a variety of disciplines, such as Translation Studies (Corpas Pastor, 2001).. Related to it, Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT), as the discipline that deals with communication between service providers and users, also plays a role in migrants' societal inclusion. One of the most prolific settings for research within PSIT is that of legal-administrative translation, within which the employment field might be located, since it is a setting that poses many challenges for language professionals, primarily of terminological nature. In this vein, this article aims at analyzing two corpus management tools according to Urbano Mendaña’s (2017) criteria, in an attempt to highlight the relevance of the documentation process in translation and the applicability of corpus linguistics to specialized domains, like the employment setting


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