The needs of healthcare interpreting students: A field survey on healthcare interpreting didactics




mediation, healthcare interpreting, ethics, training


Healthcare interpreting training is a growing discipline in Spain. However, the ethical and emotional challenges inherent in healthcare interpreting prompt questions as to whether the current training methodologies meet the needs that students will have once they are working as interpreters. This study, conducted through surveys distributed to healthcare interpreters and students of the CITISP Master’s program, aims to identify the key features of healthcare interpreting in Spain and the way they align with the concerns and training needs of interpreting students. Results show a deficiency in students' foundational decision-making frameworks when they are dealing with emotionally or ethically challenging situations. Thus, some curricular enhancements are required to improve students’ skills in terms of complex decision making, which will result in an overall improvement of their performance and well-being as healthcare interpreters.


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