Crisis management: Developing PSIT structures for Ukrainians displaced persons in Slovakia
training of lay interpreters, the war in Ukraine, PSIT needs analysis, sustainable PSIT modelAbstract
The way in which PSIT services are provided to national government institutions in Slovakia, the opportunities for professionalisation, training and social recognition of translators and interpreters differ from the standards of quality set by theory (e.g. Giambruno, 2014, Valero-Garcés, Tipton, 2017). The coutry has significant problems in the availability of PSIT in minority language combinations and fluctuation in the quality of the services provided (Štefková, Bossaert, 2019). In the face of a major increase in demand for PSIT in the current crisis situation related to the transfer of a large number of displaced persons from Ukraine the paper (1) reports on an initial research on the state of PSIT provision in this crisis situation in Slovakia and (2) on the basis of the needs analysis, describes the basis for setting up a sustainable PSIT translation and interpreting model.
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