TRADAPS project: An initiative to implement the service-learning methodology in translation


  • Cristina Valderrey Reñones Universidad de Salamanca
  • Silvia Roiss
  • Rosario Martín Ruano
  • Ángela Flores García
  • Petra Zimmermann González
  • Iris Holl



Service-Learning, innovative training methods, migration, translation


Recent training experiences based on Service-Learning (SL) conducted at university level in Spain and other countries demonstrate the validity of this methodology as an effective, high-quality training tool in higher education contexts. The TRADAPS project currently underway within the BA degree in Translation and Interpreting taught at the University of Salamanca was proposed with the aim of substantiating the suitability of this approach in the specific field of translation studies. This project, launched in 2021-2022, was aimed at designing a line of work in ApS which could enable students to complete final degree projects or dissertations in collaboration with particular NGOs which share the mission of improving the quality of life and enhancing social inclusion of migrant communities in situation of vulnerability due to linguistic and cultural barriers. Two Bachelor’s Degree Final Projects are currently being developed in collaboration with two Spanish NGOs: Cepaim and Salamanca Acoge.


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