Publication process


The following steps are followed for the process of receiving contributions and their subsequent publication:

  1. FITISPos International Journal publishes the call for papers and the dates of submission for abstracts and articles.
  2. The editor will complete the selection process of abstracts according to their interest and originality, and their scientific contribution to the field.
  3. Once the acceptance of the abstract is confirmed to the author/s, the submission date for the article will be indicated in case of changes compared to the one announced in the call.
  4. Once the article is received, it is anonymously evaluated by two reviewers. The review process lasts four weeks, after which the decision is informed to the author. The article may be accepted, accepted with major or minor changes, or rejected. In the case of acceptance with changes, the author will have three weeks to send the modified version (the deadline will be indicated in the notification received from the journal). Subsequently, the process of proofreading and final editing of the article will take up to three or four weeks.